Friday, April 29, 2011

the stash.

I saw this photo via pinterest today and I fell in love with it! Totally reminds me of my grandma's turquoise jewelry stash I used to play with as a little girl. In 2007, my great grandma passed away and my aunt, my grandma and I were sitting down finishing planning her funeral services and my aunt started talking about things of my grandma's (her mom) that she would love to have when that day comes (we are so morbid, I know) and I said "all I want is the turquoise jewelry". My aunt went on to say that all jewelry will be going to her and so you can totally imagine how that conversation went. See my grandma raised me, so my aunt is really like an older sister to me and we were arguing like sisters when my grandma finally broke up the argument and was like uh hello? I'm still alive, and I'm not giving my stash to either one of you, I'm leaving it to Joey (my husband) and Joey looked at Renee then at me and left the room so fast before we jumped him. So the joke still stands, Joe will inherit the stash, he feel so privileged haha. But anyways after seeing that photo of the turquoise wedding ring, I was like wow I wish I would have picked something like that out for my wedding ring. I love my ring, but that one is so pretty to me. So I googled a bit and found a few others that I really liked too. Maybe for an anniversary present *hint*


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